There comes a time when an up and coming business needs professional financial guidance but cannot afford to hire a full-time controller or CFO.
We have a solution ideally suited for you if you are lucky enough to be in such a position. Our Part-Time CFO services will provide you an expert financial manager who will work alongside you and assist in guiding your business to success.
The average cost of hiring a full-time CFO service provider ranges from $60,000 to over $100,000 every year, plus benefits and bonuses. Our Part-Time CFO Service will give you experienced support at a smaller fraction of the cost.
Here is what you can expect to get from our Part-Time CFO services…
* Additional time on your hands to focus on new clients, new services, and other core business functions.
* Deeper understanding of the businesses’ financial side. This way, you’ll have a few surprises and more control over your money.
* Enhanced decision-making abilities from seeing the hard and genuine numbers of the business clearly.
* Readily available sounding board to assist with tough decisions and help you clarify business plans.
* The peace of mind knowing that a pro is monitoring, protecting, and continually enhancing your business’ financial side.
* An expert who creates stable financial controls in the business to minimize employee theft and raise profits.
* Train and manage your business accounting staff.
* Enhanced timeliness and quality of financial information.
* Preparing and monitoring your budget.
* Analyzing profitability by product line or service.
* Tax saving techniques.
* Trend analysis.
* Help in quantifying business goals and define long-range plans.
* Cash management.
* Communicate with attorneys, bankers, insurance agents, vendors, etc.
* Help in securing financial backing from banks, which includes help with negotiations.
* Reviewing/negotiating insurance policies.
* Developing business accounting procedure manuals.
* Analyzing expansions, equipment purchases, etc.
* Assist in mergers and acquisitions.
* Tailor-made collection procedures and policies.
To know more about our Part-Time CFO Services, please visit our website and fill up the contact information to get a Free Consultation.