Author Archives: Kame

Should You Build or Buy a New House?

As soon as you check out the number of available homes on the market, you will find either a low number, which means you should pay more, or choose a wide array of options for a lower price tag.

However, when you find yourself in a competitive market, you may spend more money than you wanted in the first place. 

Besides, housing stock is low for people searching for new households, which is essential to remember.

The best way to understand more about building a household is by clicking here for additional information. 

That is why most people wonder whether it is more affordable in the long run to build a home from scratch. 

Still, the answer is complicated and depends on numerous factors, including unique expenses and location. 

Therefore, you should understand a few things before you make up your mind.

Square Footage

In the US, the average cost of building a household is three hundred thousand dollars, which means a hundred and fifty per square foot. 

On the other hand, the median cost for buying an existing household is two hundred and fifty thousand, which means a square foot is approximately hundred and twenty dollars. 

As you can see from the figures mentioned above, it is more affordable to purchase a household than build it. Still, you will get a more durable and unique option based on your specific considerations and needs when you decide to make one.


It is important to remember that building a home depends on location and numerous factors, which is why you should conduct research beforehand. 

Remember that cities, counties, and states come with specific regulations and rules for household building. Labor expenses and materials vary depending on the region you are in. 

County and state fees and taxes will affect the amount you pay to contractors, which is vital to remember. Compared with other states, the most expensive state for building a home in Hawaii. 

The main reason for that is because it features the highest estimated labor cost. On the other hand, the cheapest state to build is Oklahoma due to the lowest average labor cost. 

Therefore, if you wish to live in a more expensive home where people have higher income, you should pay more than before. At the same time, you will have to follow extensive building standards and homes in some areas such as California.

Watch this video: to learn each step you should take towards owning a new house. 


We have mentioned above that material expenses depend on the state you live in. Of course, current events and economic situations can affect the price as well. 

Due to many wildfires in the west, the NAHB or the National Association of Home Builders stated that the new homes would be more expensive.

At the same time, China trade disputes can affect the materials and construction because contractors are using Chinese imports for the construction processes. According to the NAHB, home prices increased in the US due to economic sanctions on China.

Since the cost of lumber increased and materials and labor increased due to COVID 19 and other external factors, it is more affordable to purchase an existing one. 


When you decide to purchase an existing home, you should know it comes with land or a lot. However, if you wish to handle everything from scratch, you should first find a proper lot where you can start the process.

Another critical consideration is lot prices that can range between five thousand dollars in rural areas and up to a hundred thousand or more in urban places with limited space.

If you wish to get it in a popular neighborhood, you may get a teardown property on it, which means you should also think about demolishing expenses.

Everything depends on complexity, but demolishing can cost up to twenty-five thousand dollars. Therefore, if you wish to enjoy the household in urban areas, it is more affordable to purchase than build a new house from scratch.


We can differentiate three ways to purchase and build a new household, including:

  • Production Home means that a builder will produce a design and model based on the already existing blueprint. 
  • Personalized Production Home – If you choose this option, you will select various floor plans, while you can change them based on your preferences and upgrade the overall idea. 
  • Custom Home – Finally, you can hire an architect to create a perfect, customized, unique household based on your taste and preferences. 

Trade Cryptocurrency Online Better and Safer With ADAX

There would always be something that can bring people to conduct businesses online. Not only would the process be easier to manage, but you can also guarantee that the entire procedure would only take seconds to finalize. The main appeal of using the internet in this day and age is that almost everything in the world takes advantage of the modern construct of getting things done without physical movement. Instead, you can ensure that all your orders, calls, and transactions will remain in the infinite confines of the interweb.

However, the world would not stop with a simple invention and move on. Every day, millions of people are making new and exciting innovations that could potentially shake the course of society forever.  A simple community gathering platform became the world’s largest social media networking site with revenue and registered users billions of dollars. You can guarantee that there will always be that one or two people who will make something that can make society’s life easier and better than ever.

Thus, even in the internet world, you can find some improvements popping up each passing day. The Cardano Network ADAX system is one perfect example of a new system that will change how you conduct trading, and currency balancing is none other than.


A Simple and Easy Solution to Trading

For years, traders have taken advantage of the market in their favour by trading through a centralized system. There are different systems that one can choose from, and most of them would require you to be at an office during set hours or with an admin, while some others would require you to download special software that would run all over your computer. In general, there is no doubt that the procedure they have to go through can be frustrating and even more confusing.

Nowadays, with cryptocurrencies, people can still not take advantage of the vast economic landscape in every way possible. There are some restrictions imposed for traders due to regulatory authorities in different countries banning cryptocurrencies outright or limiting their use within their country wherever they operate. But, above all, trading combines limitations. For example, you can only invest a certain amount of money every week or month. Moreover, if one has a sizable amount of money in an investment and wants to trade it in for-profit, there is no way to exchange it for other currencies.

However, the Cardano Network ADAX system will help you do just that. Adax platforms allow you to get your hands on some extra cash when needed without worrying about the restrictions imposed by the government or having to go through banking procedures such as bank account setup or real-time transfer of funds. This platform also allows its users to conduct transactions using cryptocurrency directly from their card without having to set up another account with third-party websites.

There is no reason for you not to take your shot in the world of cryptocurrency trading now that you have the safety and reliability of none other than the ADAX platform. 


What is ‘Leadership’

Leadership is the capability of a business’s management to set and attain difficult objectives, take swift and definitive action, outperform the competition, and inspire others to carry out well. It is difficult to place a value on leadership or other qualitative aspects of a company, compared to quantitative metrics that are frequently tracked and much simpler to compare between companies. People with strong management abilities in business world often increase to executive positions such as CEO, COO, CFO, president and chairman.

BREAKING DOWN ‘Leadership’

Management offers direction for a company. Workers need to know the instructions in which they are headed and who to follow to reach the location. Management involves revealing employees how to efficiently perform their obligations and routinely supervising the conclusion of their tasks. Leadership is also about setting a favorable example for personnel to follow, by being thrilled about the work, being motivated to discover new things, and assisting as required in both individual and group activities.

Characteristics of Reliable Management

Reliable leadership includes strong character. Leaders display honesty, stability, reliability and ethics. Leaders act in line with how they speak, and make the right to be accountable for others’ success in the business.

Example of Management

Jack Welch displayed management as chief executive officer (CEO) of General Electric Co. from 1981 to 2001. He played an essential part in 600 acquisitions in emerging markets and increased GE’s market price from $12 billion to $505 billion. Since things are constantly altering, Welch insisted everybody at GE accept change. To continue evolving business operations and producing greater output, managers and workers needed to constantly transform themselves and their work.

Click for more information on Leadership

Managing real estate to earn

Being an owner of many estates assures a continuous income if invested and appropriately maintained. Nothing gives as much assurance as the investment in property does. Unlike the stock market, even when the market is not very bullish returns can be derived from real estate. Managing the properties is not very hard in comparison to the profits it gives. Be it short selling, renting out, vacation place, or something else, the returns are always excellent and continuous. Itmakes the investment in real estate a good option. Rental being the most common of all, want to know about rental income visit

Short sales

This is a quick way to earn money without investing much in the makeover of the property. Short sales mean when the property at a mortgage is being sold at less than the actual value, due to outstanding liabilities, the recoverable amount is the price. Those who know how to invest in this understand its benefits. And those who want to earn with lesser investment can plainly see this as an option.

Flipping contracts

This option allows earning good returns with no or very little investment. What is required is just to find a seller who eagerly wants to sell the property and a buyer who is ready to buy early. Only by making the deal, the profits can be earned. Although the point of risk in this is, if first the deal is done in his name there might be chances that the buyer may not show up. And this leads to blockage of funds. The obvious remedy is to let the parties make a deal in their name.

Renting for vacations

This is another low investment and high return option. Providing the property on rent for the vacation allows one to earn a reasonable sum of rent. This is not like usual renting, as the period of stay would not be that long. The amount of earnings increases with the location of the property. The more the place is tourist-friendly, the more will be the income.

Commercial renting

Just like people need space to live, they need space for offices and shops also. This opens up opportunities for commercial real estate investors. They not only purchase the property but also develop it according to the needs of the business owner so that they can earn higher profits on value additions. These days the big investors take up the combined project for residential and commercial renting.

Part-Time CFO Services

There comes a time when an up and coming business needs professional financial guidance but cannot afford to hire a full-time controller or CFO.

We have a solution ideally suited for you if you are lucky enough to be in such a position. Our Part-Time CFO services will provide you an expert financial manager who will work alongside you and assist in guiding your business to success.

The average cost of hiring a full-time CFO service provider ranges from $60,000 to over $100,000 every year, plus benefits and bonuses. Our Part-Time CFO Service will give you experienced support at a smaller fraction of the cost.

Here is what you can expect to get from our Part-Time CFO services…

* Additional time on your hands to focus on new clients, new services, and other core business functions.

* Deeper understanding of the businesses’ financial side. This way, you’ll have a few surprises and more control over your money.

* Enhanced decision-making abilities from seeing the hard and genuine numbers of the business clearly.

* Readily available sounding board to assist with tough decisions and help you clarify business plans.

* The peace of mind knowing that a pro is monitoring, protecting, and continually enhancing your business’ financial side.

* An expert who creates stable financial controls in the business to minimize employee theft and raise profits.

* Train and manage your business accounting staff.

* Enhanced timeliness and quality of financial information.

* Preparing and monitoring your budget.

* Analyzing profitability by product line or service.

* Tax saving techniques.

* Trend analysis.

* Help in quantifying business goals and define long-range plans.

* Cash management.

* Communicate with attorneys, bankers, insurance agents, vendors, etc.

* Help in securing financial backing from banks, which includes help with negotiations.

* Reviewing/negotiating insurance policies.

* Developing business accounting procedure manuals.

* Analyzing expansions, equipment purchases, etc.

* Assist in mergers and acquisitions.

* Tailor-made collection procedures and policies.

To know more about our Part-Time CFO Services, please visit our website and fill up the contact information to get a Free Consultation.

How to optimise the communication of your company

There are a lot of companies who have difficulty to communicate in an effective way. Not all those companies are aware of the fact that a bad communication strategy can have a big impact on the whole organization. It’s a small, but very important part of the company and you have to invest in it. To make it a bit easier I wrote this article about how you van deal with the communication problems of your company.

Be transparent

One of the main factors of a good communication strategy is to be transparent. It’s very important to be transparent towards your clients and your potential partners. They need to know the vision of the company. Of course, you need to share this information with your employees as well. Transparency will improve your status and will result into a better co-operation.

IT is important

A lot of company leaders forget the importance of the IT services. When your BPM software works well, the communication is going a lot faster and easier. The flow within the company will go smoother and communication is made a lot easier. BlueDolphin is for example a software that can help you a lot. It’s a platform where knowledge and information can be shared by your employees. It makes work a lot easier.

So, it’s important to communicate the right way. How you do this, is up to you, but make sure you are transparent. The business architecture can make things a lot easier with the communication within the organization, so be sure this is OK as well.

All You Need To Know About Home Insurance

The home is our sanctuary. The place where we go when we try to hide from all the bad things that might and are happening outside. When we get there, we need to feel safe and secured.

This is why people invented the house insurance. It’s a plan by which people get to feel and be safe. Investing in it means you get to be protected by almost every disaster that might happen, from natural disasters to burglars who might steal everything you own valuable inside.

Having this in mind, one will wonder why anyone would be left without something like this. Here, it’s important to know that there are lots of kinds of home insurance plans and there’s no one size fits all plans. Of course, unless you decide to spend a fortune and be protected from virtually everything.

Common people usually pay a monthly fee and are protected from the things that are most likely to cause a problem. Fire, flood, robbery, and things like these. Every one of these raises the chance of a problem in the eyes of the companies employees, so they as a higher monthly amount to insure your property.

Why? Because of the chance for a tornado is very high in Colorado, it’s not the same in California. Paying for it in the first state is logical, but in the second – not so much. That’s why every homeowner should do research and make a plan of what is the most probable problem that might occur and insure their assets to be protected from what they think it’s best.

There are two types of insurance

There are two types – building and content insuring. It’s best if the owner is able to combine both and be sure that whatever happens, they and their family will always be safe. Sure, this doesn’t mean that the tornado will change its track when they realize an insured house is in front, but when the damage is done, the owners will have a much easier way of rebuilding or buying another house.

If you live in a dangerous neighborhood where lots of crime happens, it’s good to ensure your belongings. You’ll notice that sometimes companies refuse to do it if they realize that they might lose more than they’ll win. They wouldn’t exist if they didn’t make profits, so if the chance to lose is higher than earn, your money won’t be accepted.

The home insurance market is worth around $100 billion, so you can only imagine how much money is the game and why companies are so precautious when they are making a deal with their clients. See more on this article.

How to choose the right one?

There are lots of American home insurance companies. Not every one of them is the best choice for you. When you’re trying to find the best one, you need to have a few things on your mind that must be considered.

The money is the most important issue. You’ll notice that the premiums are not the same in every place. Some companies compensate more than others. In the search, try to find the one that will offer more than the competition.

At the same time, it’s important to see if their rating is good enough, and you’re not dealing with someone who’s just getting in the business and is not aware of what they’re really doing. The most famous ones are most often the best, but the new players can sometimes be a good choice because they’ll give you a good price in the try to get on top of the business. See more about this, on the link.


Home insurance is not something that is a choice. It’s best if every owner has one. You’ll notice that getting loans will make you get one if you want to get the money. People always need a backup, and they protect their investments. This is completely normal.

In your case, the property you own is an investment, and you need to protect it too. This is why it’s best to insure it and sleep tight at night knowing that even if something unwanted happens, you’ll come out of it easily.

What is Accounts Receivable Factoring?

Accounts receivable factoring is considered a great option for the companies that need immediate money and are not able to get a conventional bank loan. If you have a small business and you are always concerned about arranging the working capital which often falls short, if you avail factoring services, you can transform your unpaid bills into cash in hand. 

Also known as invoice factoring and invoice financing, this is probably the best option for many business owners when the customers do not pay them right away, but they need cash to run their business without interruption. 

Receivables factoring should not be confused with a loan. Factoring is a better option than a loan because the latter takes time to get disbursed and asks for security or collateral. The factoring works on the concept of selling your invoices at a discounted rate to the factoring company and getting cash in return for the unpaid bills. The factoring company becomes the owner of the invoices and receives payment from the clients directly within 30 to 90 days.

The invoice factoring company pays around 85% to 90% cash immediately while the remaining payment is made after collecting the invoice from the clients. The invoice company deducts its fees from this amount too. The fee can range somewhere between 1.5% to 3.5% and more. 

The pros and cons of the accounts receivable financing company can be summed up here. 

The pros include:

  • Provides immediate cash or working capital 
  • Creates an improved cash flow which also helps to grow your business.
  • Easy to get as compared to other sources such as banks and other financing institutions. 
  • Evaluates the creditworthiness of your clients.
  • No security required. Accounts receivable factoring does not need any collateral or asset like property papers, inventory, etc.

The cons are:

  • Other than their own high fees, they may also charge hidden fees such as application fees, processing fees, credit authentication fees, late fees, etc. 
  • Since they collect the payment from the customers directly, the main company loses control over the customers. 
  • You might not get financing in the case of low creditworthiness of your customer or if your business is low on revenue. 
  • In a recourse factor, the factoring company may return you the unpaid invoice and ask for full payment from you, just in case your client denies the payment to the factor company. 

What To Look For In A Fleet Preventive Maintenance Software?

Simply designing and manufacturing a super cool vehicle model is not enough for you to retain your customers. If you want your automobile business to truly stand out from the other competitors then you need to offer something extra to your customers. This means, better maintenance, servicing and follow-up services. For automobile, irrespective of their durability and quality are bound to fall apart or go obsolete someday. Sudden damages, broken windows, flat tires, damages in the motor etc. are very common.

Accidents are inevitable, however, that doesn’t mean you can’t take precautionary measures to foresee and prevent it. With an effective fleet preventive maintenance software in place, you can take up steps to reduce the risks and losses considerably. Here is all you need to know about these amazing platforms;

Need for Fleet Maintenance Software

With fleet preventive maintenance software byChevin Fleet Solutions, companies can now keep a record of all your vehicle models in one place. This allows you multitask at a more efficient level, giving you an opportunity to monitor the cars and trucks from a single platform. You can now check for possible damages, system upgrades and repairs by a live tracking feature that gives you regular reports on the status of the vehicle.

Fleet maintenance is a wide and exhaustive sector and requires constant surveillance. Thanks to technology, you don’t have to keep these records manually. With a database that is in-exhaustive and extensive, you can store, retrieve, customize and tweak the vehicle details anytime you want.

Efficiency and User-friendliness

Fleet management platforms are considered to be an easy, intuitive and user-friendly space that can be accessed and customized without the need for coding. The app is enhanced for different screen sizes and devices, offering round the clock flexible surveillance of vehicles. Plus, because all your cars and trucks and vehicles are organized in one space, this makes it easier for developers to recover information. 

Design and Framework

The fleet maintenance software also comes with GPS integration which is installed in the vehicles. Also the driver of the vehicle is constantly in touch with the company. All his activities and the car’s movements are tracked by the fleet management software. This is a huge help for automobile companies that want to cut down their losses and optimize their resources.

The fleet maintenance software also has provisions for offering regular servicing, engine oil changes, adjustments, parts replacements and other services. It keeps an inventory of all the spare parts, tools and equipment that is needed for the maintenance of the vehicle. This makes things more organized and systematic around the department.

Security and Data Protection

Fleet maintenance software has a wide gamut of information about all the vehicles that the company has manufactured and dispatched. This information is widely available to developers, technical staff and authorized people who are approved by the company to access the data. The database is designed in a way that allows you to hide certain files and columns from a set of users. You can add password protections, data encryptions and other such security features on the database.

Also, fleet maintenance platforms usually come with a powerful anti-virus support and firewall, to keep the virus and malware infestations away. Investing in a fleet maintenance app is a very profitable investment as it offers several long-term and short-term benefits. With accurate and actionable vehicle upkeep options, you are also gaining the customer’s trust and loyalty.

Final thoughts

Increased customer satisfaction has a very positive impact on your reputation in the market, making you a credible and trustworthy brand name. Quite naturally, a fleet preventive maintenance software isn’t a choice, but a necessity for your automobile business.

AFM-licensed audit firms

For a government it’s important to know how the companies within their country earn their money. That’s why it is mandatory for a lot of companies to show their financial situation every year. In the Netherlands companies can be obligated to have a statutory audit of the years-end figures by an official AFM-licenced audit firm. The AFM is the Dutch Financial Markets Authority.


A statutory audit of the year-end’s figures must be performed by an AFM-licenced audit firm when the financial contains at least two of the following criteria (for two consecutive years):

  • The value of assets exceeds 6 million euros
  • The net turnover is in excess of 12 million euros
  • The company has over 50 employees

AFM-licensed audit firms

There are a lot of good audit firms in the Netherlands, but not all of them are AFM-licensed. When an audit firm has the AFM-license, they are allowed to perform different kind of financial audits, regardless of industry. An audit firm will check the financial facts and figures and will put them in reports. 


Reanda is AFM-licensed audit firm in Amsterdam. So, if you need an accountant in the Netherlands, Reanda is the place to go. Reanda is a company which is specialized in helping international companies who have most of their operations abroad. They help companies to make a good financial audit. Good financial audits are complicated to make so a lot of people want specialists to make them.