Nowadays you can’t go anywhere without a credit card. Of course, cash is still in use but in the nearest future, it will disappear completely. But not only because of this we are going to speak about the best credit cards for students.
There are numerous features with which all modern credit card are equipped and which are crucial in the fight between cash and credit card. For example, the cash won’t help you to grow your credit rating as fast as a credit card. A lot of best credit cards for students with no credit and best credit cards for students with bad credit are available on the market today.
Another good reason to order a credit card is a significant opportunity to track your expenses. Without this perk, you won’t be able to manage your finances in the right way which is especially important for students whose finances are usually not very high to squander right and left. Top credit cards for students usually offer this option.
We still haven’t mentioned perks which can save you a huge amount of dollars. They are cashback and different point reward systems. It may seem as if it is such an insignificant amount of money that these perks are not the reason to order the card. But when you will receive a 5% cashback on all your purchases and then at the end of the first year your cashback will double up you will definitely change your opinion.
The last reason to get a credit card is a refund option. In any controversial situation with any shop, you will receive a refund. Or for example, if you lost your card you can freeze all assets with one phone call to your bank. I think you in the same situation you won’t be able to save your lost wallet with cash.
Credit cards offer for students a low entrance level (you don’t need a high credit rating to order a card, it usually varies from 350 to 650) and a unique opportunity to raise a high credit rating or a good credit history. The sooner you get on with your first card the more reliable credit rating you will have in the future which will help you a lot of course.
We have analyzed a lot of best credit cards for students and it is hard to say what is the best credit card for students but the most profitable and balanced one which has really useful perks is Discover it® Student Cash Back Card. This card is probably the top credit card for students because of the cashback. It can be up to 5% depending on the store. No other card can offer such an attractive offer. As a nice addition Discover It doubles your cash back after first 12 months of usage. Remember that your credit rating must already be average or above average so this option is not related to the category of the best credit cards for people with no credit or credit cards for students with bad credit.
Always be sure to pay your statements in time. If you won’t be a responsible holder of the card it can cause some bad consequences in the future. No one wants to start the adult life without a good credit history right after a university.